Producer for major concerts and events in the Golden Gate Park Polo Fields with up to 200,000+ attendees. Our team staffed these projects…
You Are Only Limited By Your Imagination
I am a Producer and Creative Director. My teams, and I, create, organize and manage large programs and projects. I build companies, products, services and innovations that improve the world
Producer for major concerts and events in the Golden Gate Park Polo Fields with up to 200,000+ attendees. Our team staffed these projects…
Our Innovation Team = industry experts that have worked together over decades of first-of-a-kind design and engineering projects. Our rolodex is your key to innovation and creative development solutions
" ...a lifetime serving his nation, his community and the public interest. He is the unseen force behind some of biggest things to happen in the last few decades..."
- Charlotte Maillard - Chief Of Protocol - San Francisco City Hall
Building companies, products, services and innovations that improve the world
He has been awarded dozens of issued seminal federal patents on products used by millions of people. He is the Producer of hundreds of major events attended by millions of people. He has created hundreds of 'first-ever' products and services that he invented and delivered to first unit prototype phase. He has nearly a hundred letters of reference, commendations and industry awards. Over a thousand news articles and TV segments have showcased the results of his work for his clients and employers. As a C-Level Creative Director, CEO and Operations officer, the U.S. Government Patent Office has awarded him dozens of issued federal patents as the 'first-to-invent', seminal inventor of the core technology of: web video, VR, electric transportation energy storage and propulsion, web file distribution, web-based social media, touch-phones, wireless devices and other products and technologies now used by billions of people. The U.S. Patent Office, NDA's and other records, confirm that he created these disruptive technologies before any of the "Big Tech" companies did. (ie: His letters of reference, proclamations, commendations and industry 'first' awards are from Mayors, The White House, Congress, industry organizations and corporate leaders. He founded multiple tech start-ups that launched industry trends. As a "Venture Solutionist", he has devoted his life to community service, philanthropy and public ventures.
- Creates innovative national programs and major projects for community needs and special public efforts. He enjoys the opportunity to create and deploy large, 'Mission Impossible' - type projects for government, family office, corporate and community entities.
- In his world: you are only limited by your imagination!
- He is passionate about creating social value, designing experiences and producing things that coincide with our team's accurately projected future end-points.
- 100% on-target track record for 5, 10 and multi-decade new market/product outcome projections, ie: we think of the world's future and then we build it.
- He is also known as a 'Venture Solutionist' that guides our team to deliver novel innovation.
- He enjoys making the magic happen and translating big ideas into art direction, design systems, productivity tools, and emotionally compelling experiences. He runs projects that are driven towards deep-tech innovation that lead to global impact.
- Recipient of multiple Mayoral, White House, Corporate Client, Agency Client and Senate proclamations and credentials for innovation, public service and productivity
- Developer, designer, patent winner, engineer of the first integrated virtual reality system including VR Glasses, interactive furniture, tactile shape-shifting wall and the over-all construct which was later known as “The VR Cave” and featured in the TV Show Star Trek as “The Holodeck”. Sold multiple units and licenses. Featured in Autodesk literature, industry publications, books and retail news
- Co-founder, producer of 200,000+ person rapid deployment temporary city, delivered multiple consecutive years, built on over 1.8 million square feet of public land annually in association with major corporate sponsors and community service groups
- Development, launch and public marketing of one of the first operating online social web GUI networks (if not the first) Google, Facebook or Yahoo with all of the functionality of Google, Facebook or Yahoo years before before Google, Facebook or Yahoo were formed.
- Operator of the first online global video broadcast consumer service in 1986, per State, Federal and court records, (years before YouTube, Netflix Online or Hulu were formed)
- Winner of “Scientists Helping America” commendation from DARPA
- Developed, federal patent-awarded and built multiple wireless device power transceiver systems
- Received multiple federal patents for building the first extrusive 3D synthetic-touch tactile surface technology for virtual, tele-present and augmented reality tactical mission simulators and remote action centers
- Developed, built and awarded federal patent on electronic propulsion technology which superseded NASA patent per the U.S. Patent Office. Now in use in orbit around Earth
- Developed multiple wireless, federal patent awarded, social networking technologies now in use by industry globally
- Developer and Director of one of the first federal patented, lightest weight, lowest cost-to-manufacture, safest electric car technologies
- Founder of America’s leading green housing venture. Featured in Dwell, Better Homes & Gardens and on Discovery Home Channel.
- Keynote speaker: TechTextile material science convention, Las Vegas
- Associate speaker: National Education Conference- Chicago
- Developed community major events facilities and logistics for Fort Mason Center’s multi-million dollar rehabilitation effort in cooperation with the National Park Service across the largest public venues in San Francisco. Broke National Park Service attendance records
- Keynote speaker: Global Summit for Project Innovation National Convention
- Awarded top grant by U.S. Congress. Fully completed contract with U.S. Government and assisted in federal program clean-up which set numerous national precedents
- Developed national home construction technology showcase home at the San Francisco Giant’s Stadium. Toured by visitors from around the world and visited online by millions of the public. Built for The City of San Francisco, National Association of Home Builders, CNET and various charities. Moved by barge, later, to become the Community Center. Participating consultant in follow-on TV series on Discovery Home Channel with Better Homes & Gardens. $2M+ home constructed in 35 days.
- Law enforcement consultant to Congressional and Task Force efforts and developer of some of the most effective anti-corruption technologies in the last decade
- Facility manager: Showplace Square commercial design and architectural resources center as personal manager to founder, Henry Adams
- Executive director: The Family Foundation. Benefiting child, animal, medical and social programs
- Winner, national award for best digital Producer/Director from 3D Design Magazine for the first 3D theme park photo-real special effects action ride-film produced entirely via PC computers
- Producer/founder: Footstock; Bay To Breakers Finale section for world’s largest race 200,000+ person events including the last major outdoor stadium concert by Ray Charles
- Logistics director: San Francisco Blues Festival; in association with The National Park Service for America’s longest run public heritage event of its kind
- Designer & federal patent-awarded winner of the first end-to-end fuel cell energy system, now an industry standard. Built in cooperation with the U.S. Government
- Developed and designed the first touring, motion-based, portable theme park, PC-based, interactive video attraction for the national stadium NFL Network Tour for MCI and FOX Sports
- Developed, launched & patented first global low-bandwidth, DVD-quality internet broadcasting network and delivered the system and multiple working software packages prior to any other online video system of it’s kind.
- First to develop, patent and demo peer-to-peer and particulated file media delivery. A global standard for large file delivery as shown in United States patent filings, federal records, filed records, industry reports and other documented proofs of invention. Created before Firechat, Napster, Bittorrent, Kontiki, Vudu, MS Avalanche, etc. existed.
- Patent awarded as “First Developer” of cell phone P2P Ad hoc multi-antenna/modem networking. Used in refugee and disaster relief crisis centers. Supported by Steve Jobs, The United Nations, Red Cross. Used in Japanese Tsunami disaster
- First to develop, demo and patent mobile media device PDA form factor and architecture and to demonstrate VOD on HP IPAQ PDA. This device beat the Apple iPhone by 3 years prior IP filings per signed NDA’s and USPTO federal filings
- First to design, build and win original-inventor federal patent on crash-resistant foam body, low-cost-to-manufacture, ultra-long-range electric vehicles
- Recipient of hundreds of letters of reference and acclaim (as shown in the attached links) from industry and government leaders (Multiple administrations), Mayors (multiple administrations), Fortune 1000 leaders, Government Agency heads, Community organization executives State assemblies and many more
- First to invent, patent-file and show iPhone™ and/or smartphone wearable VR headset integrating iPhone™ into goggles as the display and position sensor
- First to present Internet VOD to the largest film studios in Hollywood. Designed web video on demand system for one of the largest Hollywood Studios. Featured by name in contracts and studio federal patent wrappers as source of invention
- Created one of the first online “design-to-build” web technologies (if not THE first) and start-up companies for modern home design and construction for consumer home building use on the internet
- Logistics director for American national public heritage events program in cooperation with The National Park Service
- Developer, designer, federal patent winner, engineer of wireless power and ion propulsion technology, now in use globally in the aerospace industry as key satellite technology
- Developer, designer, patent winner, engineer for the first VR and computer-as-wearable-glasses product and consultant for Oliver Stone’s 'Wild Palms' TV project
- Producer, designer for the world’s first 360 degree multi-axis rotation full-immersion flight & movement simulator powered entirely by a PC. Sold globally
- Developer, designer, federal patent winner, engineer, founder operating online social media companies with state and federal registration documentation as early as 1976
- Developer, designer, federal patent winner, Engineer and first filing, as confirmed by federal government, for hand-held, color, touch-screen MP3 player/smartphone. Prior to any internal documentation effort by Apple on the iPhone.
- Producer, designer, engineer of the world’s first, and largest, urban electro-optic broadcast multi-media event. Viewed by nearly 8 million participants & broadcast on radio & TV
- Initiative sponsor and originator co-author: THE USA JOBS ACT, which was signed into federal law to legally allow SEC approved “Crowd-Funding” technologies
- Initiative sponsor for multiple national legal precedents which have improved the public law process and created new domestic legal standards in support of the public interest
- Advisory resource to multiple White House Administrations under multiple political parties with a fully bi-partisan track-record
- Producer, developer of multi-million person social media, publishing and information gathering networking programs for peer-to-peer and crowd-amplified productivity
- Producer/Director for multiple rapid-construction pre-fabrication integrated structures and habitats. Advisor for disaster recovery habitation using post-event debris recovery (ie: The Asian Tsunami's)
- Producer/Designer of the first terrestrial visibility promotional satellite. In conjunction with Space Vector Corporation, the first commercial space venture. An inflatable mylar-type pyramid as large as a skyscraper, that unfolds in space and fits inside a standard payload bay. It reflects the sun as it spins around the Earth for a week and then self-destructs in atmospheric burn. An FM radio beacon greets every city in their regional language. Designed as a good-will project with a major corporate sponsor. (1980)
- Producer/Designer: Beacon 7, Inflatable atmospheric internet reflectors for regional peer-to-peer mesh network web deployment using patent-issued technology by Applicant. Supported by radio controlled hobby-size gliders (1999)
- Featured in both Popular Mechanics and Popular Science
- Developer of first 3D VR interactive web browser with video embeds. Created prior to the deployment of VRML. Deployed on Windows 3.. Demonstrated to Apple, at Apple HQ, prior to the deployment of QuickTime VR.
- Designer, builder and Team Lead for hundreds of complex technical builds for prototypes, first-unit approval models and factory-manufacturing rolling iteration commercialization units that were industry firsts and/or set industry standards. Fully capable of running a complete CRM/CAD/CAM/Stereolith/Sintering Fab Center
- Top standing and highly effective historical records with high metrics with the United States Patent Office
- Developer of one of the most efficient satellite media distribution technologies as documented under signed NDA records and U.S. Patent Office records
- Applicant’s Mars lander technology approach was first rejected by NASA but LATER turned out to be the only technology which would work and which, in fact, did successfully land the Mars Rover on Mars
- Producer/Art Director of the first virtual reality bunji jump into the Grand Canyon created by filming HD scans of the actual Grand Canyon from a geodata-positioned helicopter hovering on a virtual column in the center of the Grand Canyon
- Art Director for over 1000 pieces of concept art for clients. Applicant directs artists from Marvel Comics, LucasFilm, Disney and top line-art publishers. Applicant uses the art to show clients the target content goal in order to create team-effort concept alignment.
- Developed multiple complex digital and motion-based mini theme park systems for location-based-entertainment programs
- Consultant/Subject in the Discovery Home Channel TV home building reality TV series
- Creator, Designer, Builder: World’s first interactive networked furniture, featured on TV Show: The Next Step and in national Merrill Lynch TV spot
- Creator, Designer, Project Director of the first full-color, mobile, Glasses VR/Augmented Reality Glasses
- Designer, Project Lead for First Toyota Prius with hot-swap hydrogen energy range extension upgrade for U.S. Department of Energy project using patent-issued novel energy storage technology
- Produced the partnership with NVIDIA to build the first set-top-box-on-a-PC-Card. This PC card was the first of it’s kind, according to NVIDIA and provided the complete functionality, and more, of any other STB at the time
Additional highlight samples, documentation video and proof-of-work documents available on request...
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