(Originals on file)

What did his employers say about his work?:

“Everything was just terrific. Needless to say, without your help we wouldn’t have had an event at all. My sincere thanks for a great job.”

– The Public Relations Bank

“…highly motivated, extremely cost conscious, efficient and …pleasant …I commend …the excellent work …done for the National Park Service and recommend …”

– General Superintendent, United States Department of the Interior

National Park Service

You have accomplished something incredible…”
– NPR Radio Interview

“Thanks again for your valuable participation in our Lasers for Live Performance workshop. Your insights truly rounded out the program and gave our members interested in management and design another perspective on which to base their performance decisions.”

– Northern California Association for Theater Techniques

“Well planned and coordinated … cooperative and highly reliable. …met every condition imposed by the city agencies and delivered … exactly as planned.”

– Recreation and Park Department, City and County of San Francisco

“Please be assured that your views will be considered fully as I work with the President on this (electronic superhighways) issue.”

– Vice President Al Gore on White House letterhead

“As Mayor of San Francisco, I am pleased to have this opportunity to acknowledge the artistic efforts …, and to congratulate …”

– Mayor, San Francisco

“It was a pleasure working with you.. You knew exactly what had to be done…and you did it. Your work crew was marvelous too…from all of us, our sincere appreciation for all of your hard work.”

– KNBR Radio

“I can’t recall when I’ve had such good support by anyone as I did through your efforts for us every day and night of our extremely demanding production schedule…The film we’re now editing for our May broadcast is everything I’d hoped it would be.”

– DIRECTIONS TV series, ABC Television Network

“…creative, dedicated and has pride in …ventures. …would do …utmost to produce future events of even greater proportions and do them well.”

– American Zoetrope

“It is always difficult to express hard work, hours and hours of exhaustive work, aching backs, in one letter. KYA Radio wishes to express their gratitude for your work, and your efforts that surpassed excellence.”

– KYA Radio

“I think it’s fantastic how you are able to pull off things that the rest of us could only dream of doing.”

– Hyatt Regency

“Just wanted to drop you a note of thanks for all your help… It was a pleasure to work with you.”

– American Fairs Inc.

“I particularly appreciate your sticking to the time schedule and staying within the budget.”

– K-101 Radio

“We are very appreciative for the excellent job you performed as show coordinator and for your technical assistance.”


“We are particularly pleased with his ability to draw together diverse elements of this City’s many communities including public officials and neighborhood associations.”

– Fort Mason Foundation

“Just to let you know-I’m ecstatic that I discovered your existence.”

– Serramonte Center

“I just wanted to officially thank you and tell you how nice its been to work with you.”

– San Francisco Giants

“Your expertise in production and your ability to foresee many of the potential problems helped us to avoid any unpleasant situations. We want to let you know that everyone commented on what a pleasure it was to work with you.”

– Planetree Health Resource Center

“It is always refreshing to be exposed to real talent and imagination. It is even more rewarding to be able to utilize this resource.”

– AT&T Network Systems

“You and your team are terrific. We are proud of the results of your efforts and thank you for your dependability and know-how.”

– Ramada Rennaissance

“God bless you, and God bless America.”

– President, United States of America

“Many thanks for all the energy, time and sheer hard work …put into the visit…of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.”

– Protocol Office, San Francisco

“I found your sketches very interesting..”

– Project Director, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Mars Landing Module System

“Just a note to “Thank You” for the magical effects you and your staff created…you were probably too busy to take notice of the “ooh’s” and “ah’s” from below!”

– CH Associates

“San Francisco values greatly your record of many contributions to the public expressions of our vitality and our sense of fun, as well as the highly organized skills and creative techniques you have developed…”

– Mayor, San Francisco

“We are receiving letters from schools and letters from the teachers and community expressing the delight…”

– Sonoma County Office of Education

“You really outdid yourself and made this the greatest…ever”

– YTL Associates

“ congratulations…He can rest assured that all his hard work was evident in the finished product.”

– City Sports

“This is a belated but enthusiastic “thank you”.”


“Your promotional materials describe (you) as the “link between the possible and the impossible”…I must say, you do live up to your reputation.”

– Liberty House

“As the sponsor, please be assured that we are thrilled with your work and enthusiasm.”

– Security Pacific National Bank

“I want to thank you very much for your excellent leadership and professionalism.”

– San Francisco Blues Festival

“I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation for your direction, time, and logistical know-how…you are an invaluable asset.”


“Congratulations on a job well done!”

-San Francisco Examiner

“In spite of several last minute changes you were able to “pull-through” with polish and style…(it) was quite successful for Sprint”.


“…delivered the “Micro” version of its Head Mount Sensory Interface (HMSI) for simulation, visualization, and immersive interactive media applications. ..”

– Real Time Graphics

“…can enable users to do “remote-traveling” by using their telephone lines or satellite dishes to retrieve video that visually transports them to another place Such systems could be used to simulate riding in a submarine, flying in a jet fighter, or orbiting the Earth.”

– Robb Report

“… zip about the galaxy in comfortable style-aside from “additional sensory effects” like explosion thumps, cold jets of air, hot flushes and low frequency rumble.”

– Mondo 2000

“The United States Army is scheduled to award…(the Team)..a contract this month to develop a hybrid virtual reality interface that will allow individual infantrymen to directly participate in large-scale simulation exercises”.

– Silicon Graphics World

“…regarding your company’s virtual reality network. I appreciated hearing from you, and I sincerely regret the delay in my reply…Companies like yours are the foundation upon which this nation’s economic growth and competitiveness rests.”

– Vice President Al Gore on White House letterhead

“…a major step towards the future of consumer access to virtual reality, by demonstrating and shipping a family of computer based systems which allow users to work or play together inside synthetic digital worlds, even while physically located in different locations.”

– C3i News

“…will initially be used in military applications, the companies expect it will provide a foundation for entertainment, medical, and scientific applications, including a new generation of “virtual laser tag” arcade games.”

– Computer Graphics World

“…enjoy the flexibility of the Autodesk CDK finding that hardware performance and configuration issues of the past are no longer a significant consideration for potential immersive visualization users. (the Team) has configured numerous systems providing great performance, running CDK with standard hardware and software utilities.”

– Autodesk corporate 4-color national marketing brochure

“…the first consumer network offering multi-users the ability to see true 3-D stereoscopic imagery, turn their heads to look around the digital world, view photo-realistic texture maps, and interact other users simultaneously.”

– Virtual Reality Report

“…a Personal Simulator component for supplying sensory information and accepting voice commands. The HMSI is ergonomically designed as a light weight, non-intrusive, information input/output device for standard video, audio, voice, and 6-D position tracking systems. The design accommodates a range of sophistication including full-D stereoscopic visuals, 360 degree audio, voice command user interface, facial muscle transponders, and optional 6-D head tracking interface. The HMSI may also be operated in a wireless mode and/or in a multi user configuration with other HMSI devices.”

– Real Time Graphics

“The HMSI can run wireless, as power is generated by a battery pack, with the installed option to link directly to normal AC power. The HMSI enables the user to view computer-generated images in stereoscopic 3D form. Interaction can be achieved via mouse, gesture sensor, head-tracking system, or voice commands relayed by an installed voice-command unit.”

– AI Expert

“You peer through the goggles, seeing a town far below. Then with a quick twist of the wrist, you’re diving toward Main Street, swooping and banking through the sleepy village. It’s like a dream of flying but with complete control. Stepping back from the viewer in the local office of Silicon Graphics Inc. is disorienting. So that’s what they mean by “virtual reality.” It’s a stunning experience. But equally astonishing is the idea that fantastic voyages formerly reserved for high-tech researchers will soon be possible in the local mall, or even your living room. “The hype is over and the real applications are coming in the very immediate future…”

– The Baltimore Sun

“…The Reality Port will be marketed to theme parks and arcades. It uses parallel 486’s with Windows (moving to NT and Pentium), or Silicon Graphics Onyx workstations with a DOS shell. (the Team) is ready to license and ship versions for theme parks ($500,000) and arcades ($50,000)…”


“…The unit looks like black wrap-around sunglasses and provides stereoscopic color images, spatial sound, position sensing, voice command, biofeedback, and other computer/human factor solutions in one integral package, company officials said.’

– Silicon Graphics World

“…a supplier of some of the most advanced computer assisted interactive visualization systems. The visualization industry incorporates elements of multimedia, simulation, virtual reality, 3-D computing and telecommunications. The intuitive nature of (the Team)’s products allow the integration of the computer application and the user, with the goal of responding to the sociological need to become emotionally involved with the working environment. (the Team) has a number of unique selling positions that provide the Company with one-of-a-kind potential.”

– Virtual Reality News

“..Instead of dropping a coin into an arcade you will drop into virtual worlds”

– Richard Hart, The Next Step, Discovery Network, Television

“This kind of technology gives you emotional contact with your work…”

– E! Entertainment Network, International E! News Daily, Television

“…hardware’s impressive. Put on their 3D head mounted stereoscopic glasses equipped with speakers, then hook a special game unit into your telephone line…”

– Gamepro Magazine

If you liked VR.5, you’ll love Fox’s Virtual Reality Tour…”

– Fox Network, Nationwide prime-time series of television ads featuring Entertainment Rides and Software