(PORTFOLIO -) Our Past Innovation Record-Breakers and Industry Firsts!


We have produced, created or built a few “World’s First”, “World’s Biggest” and/or “World Record” projects.

Here are a few…

This listing also includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as well as trade secrets inventions. This is not a complete list. Technology rights are available for acquisition, partnerships and licensing. All of these assets are offered to the venture and private banking markets. All “firsts” and seminal assertions are proven by federal records, contracts, NDA’s, email records, news records, SEC and FTC filings, USPTO records, leaked records, court records and other affirming sources.

– World’s largest outdoor mountain-top light concert – San Francisco – 1978

– The World’s largest outdoor inflatable sculpture – San Francisco

– The world’s first full-screen, high-definition, full-color, video-on-demand, global broadcasting network.

– The world’s first full-screen, high-definition, full-color, video-on-demand, global broadcasting network for movie trailers.

– The world’s first online social network.

– The first set-top box TV PC card (In association with NVIDIA).

– The world’s first online social network using IP video cameras.

– The first 3D VR ridefilm produced entirely with PC computers instead of LINUX work-stations.

– World’s first crash dampening car.

– The first skyscraper wrapped in a ribbon and bow.

– The first shipped VR headsets in glasses, non-helmet, form.

– The first shipped VR headsets using Fresnel lenses.

– The first patented version of the working Star Trek “Holodeck/CAVE”.

– The world’s first fire department approved authorization to produce a fireworks display in the middle of Union Square – San Francisco

– The world’s largest Garage Sale. Fort Mason, San Francisco

– The First United States Post Office First Day cover postal stamp event for the Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge – San Francisco

– The first recorded use of indoor 5 foot carbon arc searchlights for lighting a stage show. Cow Palace – San Francisco

– The first peer-to-peer data distribution technology engineered, built, deployed, demonstrated, patented filed, and marketed before YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc., even were formed

– The first load balanced media distribution network technology engineered, built, deployed, demonstrated, patented filed, and marketed before Akamai, Kontiki, etc. were even formed

– The first social network on the web engineered, built, deployed, demonstrated, patented filed, and marketed before Facebook, MySpace, Google, etc. were even formed

– The first full video broadcasting service to be mentioned, by name, throughout Sony Pictures and Direct-TV’s core patent filings

– The first service to segment music or video segments for sprayed delivery engineered, built, deployed, demonstrated, patented filed, and marketed before Digital Fountain, Napster, Bittorrent even were formed

– The first technology for light-based cell phone and relay network. Patents, trademarks, intellectual property, engineering, prototypes, manufacturing rights, supplier sources. NDA required.

– The first technology for a novel fan that has no blades. Patents, trademarks, intellectual property, engineering, prototypes, manufacturing rights, supplier sources. NDA required.

– The first technology for crash resistant vehicles. Patents, trademarks, intellectual property, engineering, prototypes, manufacturing rights, supplier sources. NDA required.

– The first system for fuel cell energy hot swap storage technology. Patents, trademarks, intellectual property, engineering, prototypes, manufacturing rights, supplier sources. NDA required.

– The first automatic digital global news broadcasting array system. Patents, trademarks, intellectual property, engineering, prototypes, manufacturing rights, supplier sources. NDA required.

– The first side-array technology for digital file security protection. Patents, trademarks, intellectual property, engineering, prototypes, manufacturing rights, supplier sources. NDA required.

– The first technology for novel atmospheric payload lifting body. Patents, trademarks, intellectual property, engineering, prototypes, manufacturing rights, supplier sources. NDA required.

– The first technology for the core process of commercial social media. Patents, trademarks, intellectual property, engineering, prototypes, manufacturing rights, supplier sources. NDA required.

– The first technology for a water-less, odorless, portable, non-electric camping toilet. Patents, trademarks, intellectual property, engineering, prototypes, manufacturing rights, supplier sources. NDA required.

– The most complex high-net-worth law enforcement self-growing AI data base in the world before XKEYSCORE or Palantir even had their first line of code authored

– The first mobile touchscreen phone before Apple had even launched the iPhone project.

*Techmate – 1986 to 1995
100% copy = Facebook – 2004

*Unifree – The First Free Services Social Media Network Search Engine – 1996
100% copy = Google – 1998

*ClickMovie – The First HD Web TV Network and Video-On-Demand Company – 1998
100% copy = YouTube – 2005

*ClickMovie – 1998
100% copy = Netflix Streaming – 2007

*TouchPhone – 2000
100% copy = iPhone – 2004

* Mover – 1994
100% copy = Quicktime VR – 1995

*Tranz-Casting – 1997
100% copy = BitTorrent – 2001

* RPI – 1996
100% copy = Oculus – 2017

* Trailer Park Videos – 1999
100% copy = Sony Vue – 2012

* Head Mounted Sensory Glasses – 1996
100% copy = Google Glass – 2011

*ImagiNet – 1996
100% copy = Orkut Social Network – 2004

*PFS AeroFlatables  – 1971
100% copy = Google Loon – 2008

*RPI VR-Browse – 1989
100% copy = VRML – 1994

*Reality Chamber – The First Virtual Reality Room – 1989
100% copy = VR Cave (AKA “Holodeck”) – 1992

*Foam Shrouded Car Safety Bodies – 2004
100% copy = Toyota & Ford – 2010

*Hot Swap Fueling For Fuel Cell Cars – 2002
100% copy = Honda – 2006

* ImagiNet (Per White House commendation) – 1993
100% copy = Facemash/Facebook – 2003

*Clever Homes – 2002
100% copy = Blu Homes – 2008

..and many other engineering start-up venture development assets


Note: For Jury Trial court purposes and Congressional hearings, earlier invention proof-of-use materials exist including: NDA’s, videos, United States Patent Office files, State records, news reports, federal patent wrapper files, phone records, patents, emails, contracts, witness statements, etc.